Delhi Family Health Team After Hours Care
If you are a patient of Dr. Paul Nunn you are a patient of the Lynn River Family Health Organization (FHO) and can be seen at a FHO After Hours Clinic. The FHO After Hours Clinics offers access to one of the group physicians during extended evening and weekend hours. Please call your family physician’s office to schedule an After Hours Care appointment or obtain the FHO After Hours Care schedule. On Saturday’s no appointment is necessary (except for Dr. Hadi). A copy of all Information is sent to your family physician to ensure your important medical records are kept up to date. You may also call Telephone Health Advisory Service at 1-866-553-7205 to speak to a registered nurse.
If you are a patient of Dr. Thorogood, Dr. Bak, Dr. Coelho, Dr. Ahrens or Dr. Szabo you are a part of the Delhi Family Health Team. Delhi Family Health Team patients have access to the DCHC Walk-In Clinic, FHT After-Hour Clinic and/or the Telephone Health Advisory Service.
If you are not a patient with any of our doctors or do not currently have a family doctor you may visit the Delhi Community Health Centre Walk-In Clinic or call Telehealth Ontario and speak to a registered nurse. Telehealth Ontario is a free, confidential telephone service you can call to get health advice or general health information from a registered nurse.
Dr. Thorogood, Dr. Bak, Dr. Coelho, Dr. Ahrens
Reception Desk (519) 582-2323 Ext. 204
Dr. Szabo: Reception Desk (519) 586-3143
Appointment Cancellation Line: (519) 582-2323 Ext. 401
Social Work: (519) 582-2323 Ext. 248
Mental Health: (519) 582-2323 Ext. 260
FHT Executive Director, Robin Mackie: (519) 582-2323 Ext. 239
Clinical Coordinator: (519) 582-2323 Ext. 236
Billing/Patient Accounts: (519) 582-2323 Ext. 263